"Over time, batteries lose their capacity." - love this. As a topic, inflation and the need to invest feels like a major emotional/fin-literacy barrier, but at the same time, having this realisation can create anxiety/urgency around actually investing. Would love to hear your thoughts on that next step of what to do once you're sold on the slow cuts of inflation on your wealth. nick

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I think it’s understanding speed vs velocity. Once you’re sold on inflation as slow cuts, there’s no point acting fast if that action isn’t direction-aware. It’s like trying to go from Brisbane to Sydney by running North. Yes, your purchasing power is slowly decreasing, but relative to taking the time to make a decision that’s right for you - it’s a small price that will save you in the long run.

That is assuming, that wealth is something you actually want. My answer would be different for someone who wants to earn to give.

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